Adrian Lozada

Adrian Lozada

Undergraduate Researcher


Hello! My name is Adrian Lozada, and I am a junior studying computer engineering at the University of South Florida (USF). I am passionate about artificial intelligence (AI) models and algorithms that improve human-robot interactions (HRI). My ultimate goal is to integrate robotics into society seamlessly, enhancing our daily lives and improving safety through innovative technology.

I am currently working on a project that aims to develop a fog screen for robots, enabling them to communicate through spatial augmented reality (AR) in environments that do not have conventional projectable surfaces. This summer, I am excited to be part of the CRA-WP DREU program, where I hope to expand my research under the guidance of Dr. Zhao Han and explore new opportunities where technology can meet human needs.

— 4/20/2024


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Congrats to Adrian Lozada for participation in the CRA-WP Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU)! With the stipend and travel funding, Adrian will be mentored by Dr. Zhao Han this summer in the RARE lab.

Undergraduate students Adrian Lozada and Duy Linh (Liam) Ha have joined the RARE Lab. Welcome!