Join RARE Lab

We seek strong Ph.D., M.S., and undergraduate applicants who are good communicators, comfortable with programming, determined to go the extra mile, and interested in the lab’s research, preferably with relevant research experience and/or an M.S. degree for Ph.D. applicants.

As an interdisciplinary research lab, you are welcome to apply if you are in computer science, robotics, HCI/informatics, engineering, psychology, design, cognitive science, or a related area.

Applicants from underrepresented and underserved groups, including women, and domestic US students, are strongly encouraged to apply!

Prof. Zhao Han, Lab Director

Ph.D. Opportunities

Prospective Ph.D. Students


Students are encouraged to apply for USF and external scholarships and fellowships. Current USF students can seek guidance from the USF Office of National Scholars.

M.S. (Thesis Option) Opportunities

Prospective M.S Students

Current USF M.S. Students

If you are interested in research related to the lab’s, you can choose the thesis option with Prof. Han potentially as your major professor. Please review the M.S. program information.


M.S. students are usually self-funded when entering the program. First-year M.S. students should contact Prof. Han early if they want to pursue research, e.g., taking his classes and/or directive research course.

Second-year M.S. thesis-option students may be partially funded while taking thesis course credits and having demonstrated strong research capabilities or potential. However, this is not guaranteed due to the multi-year lab project nature and the priority to support long-duration Ph.D. students, which means that funding priority will be given to M.S. students who will continue to Ph.D. under Prof. Han.

Students are encouraged to apply for USF and external scholarships and fellowships. Current USF students can seek guidance from the USF Office of National Scholars.

If I become your major professor, I may advise on your fellowship application for Ph.D. admissions.

M.S. (Non-Thesis Option) Opportunities

Prospective M.S Students

Current USF M.S. Students

M.S. students under the non-thesis option are self-funded but can get course credits with Independent Study (CIS 6900).

Once you are ready, please fill out this form.


Students are encouraged to apply for USF and external scholarships and fellowships. Current USF students can seek guidance from the USF Office of National Scholars.

If I become your major professor, I may advise on your fellowship application for Ph.D. admissions.

Undergraduate Opportunities

Prospective Undergraduate Students

Please visit the USF Office of Admissions to apply for or transfer to Computer Science.

Current USF Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students are usually self-funded. Please read the Undergraduate Research at USF webpage and explore the following options.

1. Course credits

2. [Unavailable] 70% funded by the RARE Lab, 30% funded by the College of Engineering (30%)

Once you are ready, please fill out this form.