Michael Klein

Michael Klein

Junior Undergraduate Researcher I



I am a Sophomore Mechanical Engineering student with extensive experience in AutoCAD and collaborative engineering projects. Specifically, I have extensive AutoCAD experience from three and a half years of part-time professional use, along with experience utilizing other CAD software. I have also participated in a robotics team and was heavily involved with design there. I also have participated in independent, though supervised, product development through my high school capstone engineering project.

By joining the RARE Lab, I hope to gain research experience and contribute to design and development. I am incredibly interested in robotics and want to pursue the development of it. In the long term, I want to further develop the ability to conduct research so I can do research of my own someday.

— 1/8/2025


Adrian Lozada, Villa Keth, Uthman Tijani, Michael Klein, Zhao Han

A Controller for Robots to Autonomously Control Fog Machine

2025 International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed-Reality for Human-Robot Interactions at HRI 2025




VAM-HRI Workshop at HRI 2025 Acceptance

RARE Lab’s fog machine controller work was accepted to the 8th International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed-Reality for Human-Robot Interactions (VAM-HRI) at HRI 2025! Congrats to Adrian Lozada and Michael Klein!

Undergraduate students Vlad Krukhmalev (12/2), Tu (Tony) Nguyen (12/16), Michael Klein (12/20), and Nicolas Echeverria (12/20) have joined RARE Lab. Vlad and Tony will work on AR in HRI. Michael and Nicolas bring their mechanical engineering expertise. Welcome!