Maria Julia Martins Vidal

Maria Julia Vidal

Undergraduate Researcher


Hello! I am Maria Julia Vidal. I am a Sophomore in Computer Engineering at the University of South Florida, and I am incredibly excited about the opportunity to contribute to the RARE Lab.

I’m passionate about human-robot interaction, especially the cognitive framework of robots—their mental models, memory systems, and how we draw from human cognition to build these systems. The idea of creating systems inspired by human cognition drives my curiosity, and I’m eager to explore and contribute to advancements in this field, where robotics, AI, and neuroscience come together.

— 9/5/2024


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UR2PhD Spring 2025

Congrats to 12 RARE Lab undergraduate students accepted to the CRA Undergraduate Research to PhD (“UR2PhD”) program: Tammy, Jonathan, Chi, Vlad, Maria, Tony, Khoa, Suyog, Bao, Minh Ha, Thom, and Khang!

Also congrats to two graduate students Hong and Ridhima accepted to Graduate Student Mentorship Training.

DevFest Tampa Bay 2024

RARE Lab participated in the DevFest Tampa Bay outreach event! Hong and Maria showcased our research on indicating a robot’s vision capability with a Pepper robot and AR headset.

Undergraduate students Maria Julia Vidal (9/4) and Felix Mendez (9/17) have joined the RARE lab. Welcome!