Amanuel Ergogo e1735593266448

Amanuel Ergogo

Junior Ph.D. Student I


Hi! I am Amanuel Ergogo, a first-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Engineering in the RARE Lab at the University of South Florida, under the guidance of Professor Zhao Han. I earned my B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Wolaita Sodo University in Ethiopia and an M.S. in Control Engineering and Robotics from Wroclaw University of Technology in Poland.

Before joining USF, I worked as a researcher specializing in AI Robotics in Healthcare for over two years at the Sano Centre for Computational Personalized Medicine in Poland. Specifically, I worked on the “Machine Learning for Collaborative Robots in Healthcare” project. I also had experience working as an assistant lecturer in my undergraduate Alma Mater.

My research interests lie in human-robot interaction, robotics, artificial intelligence, and virtual/augmented reality. As I dive into new projects in the lab, I look forward to sharing more about my work here.

— 12/30/2024


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