Nicolas Zambrano

Nicolas Echeverria

Undergraduate Researcher


Hi! My name is Nicolas Echeverria, and I am a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Florida. I am passionate about designing robotic systems that address real-world challenges, particularly in accessibility and sustainability.

This year, I am excited to contribute to RARE Lab. I am particularly drawn to the opportunity to work with tools such as ROS, Unity, and microcontrollers, while contributing to research that advances human-robot interaction.

— 1/6/2024


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Undergraduate students Vlad Krukhmalev (12/2), Tu (Tony) Nguyen (12/16), Michael Klein (12/20), and Nicolas Echeverria (12/20) have joined RARE Lab. Vlad and Tony will work on AR in HRI. Michael and Nicolas bring their mechanical engineering expertise. Welcome!